Aqua One 4c Carbon Filter Cartridge - Twin Pack (two complete changes)
A Money and time saving twin pack of Aqua One 4c carbon cartridges giving four cartridges in all. For use in the Aqua One AquaStyle(AR) 850 aquarium.
The Aqua One 4c Carbon and Polymer Wool Cartridge is a disposable filter cartridge for use in the Aqua One AquaStyle(AR) 850 aquarium. The C cartridge form the top layer of the trickle filter. Two packs of two cartridges are supplied in this twin pack( for two full filter changes) and the cartridges should be removed and disgarded when blocked with fish waste and debris. This will usually be every four to six weeks. The Polymer 'wool' layer traps debris while the activated carbon removes odours and clarifies the water. An essential part of the Aqua One trickle-filter system . We've tried substitutes and we've tried other filtration methods but nothing comes close the the original C cartridge from Aqua One. Please see our Triple cartridge packs for even lower prices!
The Aqua One 4c Carbon Filter Cartridge
Its Huge…..
The Aqua One 4c Carbon Cartridge set is used exclusively in the AR 850 or Aqua Style 850 as it has been known for the last few years. The Aqua Style 850 has a capacity of 165 litres but the overhead trickle filter provided with the set up extends over the whole back section of the canopy and contains two identical Aqua One 4c carbon cartridges, a complete set of Aqua One 4s sponge sheets and around 600g of Aqua One Bio Noodles. All in all it’s a truly huge filtration set up that would filter a far larger tank but is also very discrete because its housed above the aquarium.
Is the Aqua One 4c the Best Filter cartridge for Aqua Style 850?
It’s important to realise that the Aqua One 4c Carbon Cartridge fulfils three very important functions.
Stage 1: Solids Removal
The first polymer wool layer traps solids and prevents the rest of the filter media being clogged up with them, it also makes sure that your aquarium is free from floating ‘bits’ which would ruin the appearance of clarity we all seek.
Stage 2: Dissolved Waste Adsorption.
The Activated carbon granules can now do their work, adsorbing odour causing chemicals, removing yellowness and bonding waste molecules. Activated carbon is clever stuff and incredibly purifying but it works hard and only lasts a short period. You cannot wash carbon out, once all the waste in bonded to its surface that’s it: new cartridge time.
Stage 3: Water Dispersal
Next time you change your Aqua One 4c carbon cartridges turn one over and look at the base….. its made that way to re-disperse the water that has flowed through it to make the best use of the 4c Biofoam and the Bio Noodles underneath that. Without the dispersal tray water would channel through the remaining filter media and lots of surface area would be wasted.
How Long Does the Aqua One 4c Carbon Cartridge Last?
In most well stocked Aqua Style 850 Aquariums the 4c carbon cartridge will last around four to six weeks, after this time the polymer wool layer becomes blocked and water isn’t traveling through it anywhere near as easily as it should and the carbon granules are exhausted. We suggest you treat yourself and the fish to a new cartridge set.
How Can I get the best value from My Aqua One 4c Carbon Cartridges?
There are two ways to get the best value from Aqua One 4c Carbon cartridges. Firstly, makes sure you perform regular water changes, at least every three weeks or so to ensure waste levels in the aquarium are as low as possible – in this way the 4c carbon cartridge doesn’t have to work quite as hard to maintain water quality and should last a little longer. Secondly buy your Aqua One 4c carbon cartridges from…. Would it be immodest to remind you that we have masses of stock, the cheapest postage in the industry and the lowest prices around? We’ve sold more Aqua One Carbon cartridges than anyone else in the UK and there’s a good reason for that……
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