Aqua One CF 1200 Spares & Accessories
Getting The Best From Your Aqua One CF 1200 Canister Filte
Built to last, simple and robust the CF series of canister filters have been hugely popular in the UK and over ten years have sold in their hundreds of thousands. That’s good news for current owners because it means spares supply will be maintained for a long time to come.
Here at Aqua One Parts we have Aqua One hosing available by the metre, priming caps, tap sets, impellers, intake strainers complete accessory kits, sealing rings and media tray O rings all available for immediate dispatch.
We also provide all the filter media available including the coarse blue foam and the finer black foam, the white polymer fibre mat and Bio Noodles of course. You can buy all these essentials as a complete kit and, of course try our Bio Ring Plus sintered ceramic biomedia as well. Do remember that adding a net media bag filled with Premium quality activated carbon to the top tray of your CF 1200 filter will make a substantial difference to water quality and clarity.
We suggest the following as the best maintenance regime for your Aqua One CF1000 canister filter:
Check visually to make sure that the filter is flowing well and that the intake strainer isn’t blocked with debris.
Four to Six weekly
Clean the filter out, rinsing the blue and black foam thoroughly in some aquarium water which is then thrown away. Clean the Bio Noodles the same way. The white polymer layer in the top tray (39W) should be replaced as it cannot be rinsed. If you have added a bag of activated carbon change this as well as it is an adsorbative and cannot be rinsed clean. Have some Bio Noodles or BioRing Plus on hand and exchange a few pieces for new ones to keep your filter media fresh and the bacteria culture lively.
Six monthly
Treat your CF1200 to some new foam pads as the cell structure will be starting to collapse on the old ones. Don’t change the foam and the BioNoodles together. As too many ‘good’ bacteria are lost all at once.
Fit a new 39i impeller and a new main sealing ring to prevent leaks and maintain performance. Check all pipework and connections for leaks. If you have any doubts about the taps change them at the same time. Half an hour spent now means a whole year’s worth of trouble free performance from your CF1200.
Aqua One 39i Impeller Set for the CF1000 and CF12000 canister filtersSpecial Price £11.99 Regular Price £13.99
Aqua One 39s Blue Sponge Pads for CF 1000/1200 - 2 packSpecial Price £9.50 Regular Price £14.35
Aqua One 40s Black Sponge Pads for CF 1000/1200 - 2 packSpecial Price £9.50 Regular Price £14.35
Aqua One 90 degree Elbow Pack for CF 1000 and CF 1200 External FilterSpecial Price £7.99 Regular Price £8.99
Aqua One AdvanceCarb Premium Active Carbon 250gSpecial Price £6.99 Regular Price £7.89
Aqua One AdvanceCarb Premium Active Carbon 450gSpecial Price £10.15 Regular Price £14.19
Aqua One Bio Nood Excel Sintered Glass Bio Media 1000gSpecial Price £13.99 Regular Price £24.99Out of stock
Aqua One Bio Nood Excel Sintered Glass Bio Media 500gSpecial Price £7.99 Regular Price £15.99Out of stock
Aqua One Bioballs to suit all external filters. Pack of FiftySpecial Price £6.99 Regular Price £8.99
Aqua One CF 1200 Primer Cap Complete With O RingSpecial Price £3.99 Regular Price £5.99Out of stock
Aqua One CF1200 Complete Filter Media Service KitSpecial Price £34.99 Regular Price £54.99
Aqua One ChemiZee - Zeolite Ammonia Remover 500gSpecial Price £6.49 Regular Price £7.89
Aqua One Complete Cleaning Brush set for any Aquarium filterSpecial Price £10.99 Regular Price £15.99
Aqua One Complete Seal set for CF 1200 external filterSpecial Price £23.50 Regular Price £34.76Out of stock
Aqua One Filter Taps Set for CF 1000 and CF 1200Special Price £12.99 Regular Price £16.43
Aqua one Flexible Cleaning Brush set - 3 brushesSpecial Price £5.25 Regular Price £6.99
Aqua One Flexible Hose to suit CF 1000 and CF 1200 External Canister Filter Per MetreSpecial Price £3.99 Regular Price £4.99
Aqua One Flexible Pipe brush for external filter hosesSpecial Price £4.25 Regular Price £6.99
Aqua One Impeller Cover for CF 1000 and CF 1200 External FilterSpecial Price £4.75 Regular Price £6.99
Aqua One Intake Strainer to suit all CF canister FiltersSpecial Price £5.99 Regular Price £6.99
Aqua One Main Seal O Ring For CF 1000 and CF 1200Special Price £9.99 Regular Price £13.99
Aqua One Main Seal O Ring For CF 500 and CF 700Special Price £4.39 Regular Price £6.48
Aqua One Media basket for CF 1000 and CF 1200 External filterSpecial Price £8.50 Regular Price £12.99
Aqua One Media retaining grid for CF 1000 and CF 1200 External filterSpecial Price £4.99 Regular Price £8.99
Aqua One Netting Bag - 5x3.15inch / 12x8cm SmallSpecial Price £2.09 Regular Price £2.19
Aqua One Suckers for CF1000 and CF1200 Canister Filter 4pkSpecial Price £5.99 Regular Price £7.67
Aqua One Tap Connector Elbow - For CF1000, CF1200, Advance1050 and Advance 1250 - 2 packSpecial Price £4.99 Regular Price £5.99
Aqua One Taps and Hose set for CF 1200 external filterSpecial Price £20.99 Regular Price £27.56
Aqua One Wool Pad - 1000/1200 Aquis (2pk) 39wSpecial Price £6.39 Regular Price £7.96