Aqua One Bio Starter 150ml

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Special Price £5.50 Regular Price £6.99

Aqua One Biostarter is utterly superb for use when you have just added new filter media of any type or cleaned existing media. It adds in the essential filtration bacteria that every set up needs. Ever time you change the Aqua One sponge that came with your set up or the Aqua One Bionood you are getting rid of billions of filtration friendly  bacteria that your fish depend upon. This can go horribly wrong with cloudy, smelly aquarium water being just one of the consequences. Aqua One One Biostarter is the very best aquarium Bacterial additive we have used and will prevent fish loss and poor water quality when used carefully. 


Aqua One Bio Starter 150ml is safe and effective for use in any tropical, brackish or cold water aquarium. You cannot easily overdose, though, we always advise sticking to the instructions.

Pack Size

A single 150ml pack is supplied. A measuring cup marked in millilitres is supplied to make the most use of this concentrated product. It can used in varying dosages according to usage. A new set up requires more and a weekly top up needs just a small amount.


Aqua One Bio Starter 150ml works by introducing super fit, laboratory bred filtration bacteria to your aquarium. The bacteria quickly colonise the filter and consume the toxic ammonia and nitrite that your fish produce as waste product. This improves the water conditions and water clarity in your set up which will enhance the health of your fish and other livestock. There are no side effects to using Biostarter. It is entirely beneficial.

Useful Life

Aqua One Bio Starter 150ml has a good shelf life but does consist of living bacteria so needs using on a regular basis. The bacteria it contains are very beneficial so are better in your tank than in the bottle.

Works with...

Aqua One Bio Starter 150ml works extremely well when used in conjunction with Aqua One Health Plus Water Conditioner to produce a healthy aquarium. We strongly recommend using Nutrafin test kits to monitor water quality and, if you are stocking up on everyday aquarium basics do also look at our other water conditioners, tropical foods and cleaning equipment.